


The Department of Urdu was established in 1965 with the following faculty members Prof. Quteja Begum, Prof. Saidul Hassan Gulam Rasool Ustad, Dr. Zareena Nahid and Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed. Dr. Zarina Nahid has been retired in the month of June 2021, currently Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed is HOD of Urdu and handling all the responsibilities.

Urdu language is taught for B.A, B.Sc. B.Com and B.B.A. classes and also optional component. Many students have optioned Urdu as their opted subject & total strength is 125 for the academic year 2019-20. Student strength for the present year (2020-21) is 119.

The members of the faculty have to inculcate the rich heritage of Urdu literature and have contributed immensely to the Urdu Department for its growth. Most of our students have pursued higher education such as M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D, B.Ed. and M.Ed. and have opted teaching as their profession and they are well settled in reputed institutions.

The students of our Department participates in Inter Collegiate Youth Festival. Every year our Department organizes poets meet and our Department celebrates International Urdu day (Youme Alami Urdu) on 9th November and National Education Day (Qoumi Youme Taleem) on 11th November by inviting eminent speakers. Special lectures and Teacher Exchange Programme work are also arranged in the Department.

The staff has taken keen interest in developing the communication skills to students. Staff has put their heart and soul into the teaching component of the language and so the result of the Department is cent percent.


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Photo Qualification BioData
1 Dr. Mohsina Fatima Lecturer. M.A. Ph.D view profile

Courses & Syllabus

Course                 :         Science/Arts/Commerce

Programme          :         B.Sc./B.A/B.Com/B.B.A

Subject Combination :

Subject Combination :

History Education Urdu
History Sociology Urdu
Sociology Psychology Urdu
Hindustani Music History Urdu
Sociology Hindustani Music Urdu

Syllabus : Basic B.A (I to VI Sem), B.Sc. (I to IV Sem) B.Com (I to II Sem) 2018-19 Onwards

                    Urdu I to VI Semester Syllabus (Optional) 2018-19 Onwards

 NEP 2020: Basic Urdu B.A I & II sem, B. Com I & II sem

                       Basic Urdu B.Sc I & II sem syllabus

                       O.E for III sem (B.Sc, B.A, B.Com),Basic Urdu B.A III & IV sem, Basic Urdu B.Com III & IV sem

                      Basic Urdu B.Sc III & IV sem

Teaching Method : Traditional Method (Chalk and Talk), Group Discussion, Seminars, Special Lecture, Teacher Exchange Programme.


Research Publications : BOOKS

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
01 Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed 1

Research Articles Published in Various Books:

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty 2016-2017 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
01 Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed 03 1 03

Conference Attended:

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty 2016-2017 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
01 Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed 01

Seminar Attended (Paper Presented):

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty 2016-2017 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
01 Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed PP 05

S 03

01 PP 1

S 1

PP 3

S 4

BOS and BOAE : From 2016 till date

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty BOS BOAE
01 Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed 03 07

Refresher Course:

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty During the period Name of the University
01 Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed 01.04.2021TO


  Muslim Aligarh University Aligarh.

NAAC and IQAC Attended:

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty NAAC IQAC
01 Dr. Ustad Abdul Rasheed 01 04

Teacher Exchange and Special Lecture Lists:

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty Subject/Topic Lecture given college Name Date
01 Dr. Shamim Sultana Faani Ki Shairi Govt. First Degree College for women, Kalaburagi 18.04.2016
02 Dr. Shamim Sultana Dr. Allama Iqbal Govt. First Degree College for women, Kalaburagi 30.08.2016
03 Mr. Hamid Akmal Urdu Gazal Smt. V.G. Women’s Degree College Kalaburagi 01.10.2016
04 Asma Tabassum Faiz ki Muntakhab Nazmein Bi Bi Raza Degree College for women Kalaburagi 18.12.2020
05 Dr. Abdul Rab Ustad Faiz ki Nazam Gulbarga University Gulbarga 10.02.2021

* Organised Online One Day National Webinar on Dr. Allamma Iqbal Afkar – O – Nazriyat by Prof. Abdul Hameed Akbar on 30.06.2021

Students List:

Sl. No. Courses 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22(NEP) 2022-23
01 BA I (Basic) 12 15 26 12 18 4 Nil
02 BA I (Opt) 09 06 18 09 03
03 BA II (Basic) NEP 9
04 B.Sc. I (Basic) 23 18 18 18 15 8(NEP) Nil
05 B.Sc II (Basic)
06 B.Com I (Basic)
07 B.Com II (Basic) 2 (NEP)
08 B.Com III (Basic) 2 (NEP)

Result of the B.A/B.Sc/B.Com:

Sl. No. Courses 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Apr Pass Apr Pass Apr Pass Apr Pass Apr Pass
01 BA I (Basic) 15 15 24 24 12 12 19 19 07 07
02 BA I (Opt) 06 06 19 19 09 09 03 03
03 BA III (Basic) 11 11 15 15 24 24 12 12 18 18
04 BA III (Opt) 08 08 06 06 19 19 09 09 03 03
05 BA V (Basic) 16 16 11 11 15 15 20 20 12 12
06 BA V (Opt) 08 08 08 08 06 06 16 16 03 03
07 B.Sc. I (Basic) 18 18 18 18 18 18
08 B.Sc. III (Basic) 23 23 18 18 18 18
09 B.Com I (Basic) 04 04 05 05 04 04

Program and Course Out come

Title of the Progamme: BA in Urdu

The systematic and planner curricula from the first year to the third year shall motivate and encourage the student for pursing higher studies in Urdu and for becoming Master in Urdu Language and Literature.


At first year of under-graduation: The topics prescribed being (1) Dastaan – Bagh-o-Bahar by Meer Aman, (2) Novel – Nirmala by Munshi Prem Chand and (3) Masnavi – Sahenel Bayan by Meer Hasan, the syllabi for FYBA Course is formulated as to achieve the basic skills of Urdu language through poetry, essay writing, short stories – as basic course.

At second year of under-graduation: The students are introduced journalism prose, poetry and Essay writing along with biographical pieces, translation from Urdu to English enabling the language affinity for the students. The students are introduced focusing as various kinds that exists from narrative to dramatic to lyric, along with brief history of the genre.

At third year of under-graduation: Students are introduced to criticism essay writing, poetry and Gazal’s short stories and grammer, enabling the student to great the communicative power of Urdu for their overall development through soft skills.

In all these three years of basic course, students with special ability learn Urdu as an optional subject, which imparts the in-depth and vast knowledge of the historical impact, the sociocultural background and the leading writers works. Further the students are groomed to write their own poems, essays and certain literary pieces.

Urdu is a very sweet language, gradually diminishing. Hence in order to strengthen the language, the optional students are motivated and their literary skills are being endeavored.


Programme : B.Sc. Urdu (Basic)

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) for B.Sc. (Basic)

on completing B.Sc. (Basic) the student will be able to

1. Remembering PSO 1 : Know about Urdu essayist Novelist, Dramatist, Short story writer and new and old poets and their poetry

2. Understanding PSO 2: Gain knowledge about authors, Poets their lives and their contribution to Urdu literature.

3. Applying PSO 3 : Providing information about Urdu Grammer

4. Analyzing PSO 4 : Gain ability to effectively communicate in Urdu and able to translate from Urdu English language to Urdu language and Vice-versa

5. Creating PS05 : Create awareness about Urdu fictional and Non-fictional prose.

B.Sc. I sem

Course Title : Adabi fun parey (Prose, poetry and essay writing) Course Code : A050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about short stories and Drama I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Read and learn poems I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Familiar with modes of expression like essay writing III A

B.Sc. II semCourse Title : Adabi fun parey (Prose, poetry and translation) Course Code : B050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about Essay & Humour & Satire I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Get Opportunity to learn famous Urdu Poet poetry and Ghazal I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Attempt translation form English to Urdu IV A

B.Sc. III semCourse Title : Novel, Poetry & Grammar Course Code :C050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Know about famous Urdu Novel Barish Sang By Jeelanin Banu I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Learn and Read about famous poems of Altaf Hussain Hali I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Understand the Urdu Gammar(Urdu Sarf) III A

B.Sc. IVsem

Course Title : Prose, Poetry & Grammar Course Code :D050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Provide information about sketches and Sketch writers I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Fair knowledge of Humour and satire and study of selected poems of Sulaiman I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Understand the Urdu Gammar(Urdu Naho) III A

Programme : B.Com Urdu (Basic)

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) for B.Com (Basic)

on completing B.Com (Basic) the student will be able to

1.Remembering PSO 1 : Know about Urdu essayist Novelist, Dramatist, Short story writer and new and old poets and their poetry

2.Understanding PSO 2: Gain knowledge about authors, Poets their lives and their contribution to Urdu literature.

3. Applying PSO 3 : Providing information about Urdu Grammar

4. Analyzing PSO 4 : Gain ability to effectively communicate in Urdu and write effectively Business letters

5. Creating PS0 5 : Create awareness about Urdu fictional and Non-fictional prose

B.Com I sem

Course Title : Prose, Poetry & Business letter writing Course Code: A050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about Essay & Sketches I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Get opportunity to learn famous Urdu poet poetry and Ghazal I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Understand the various concepts of Business letters IV A

B.Com II sem

Course Title : Prose, Poetry & Business letter writing Course Code:B050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about Essay & Sketches I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Get opportunity to learn famous Urdu poet poetry and Ghazal I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Understand the various concepts of Business letters IV A

Programme : B.A. Urdu (Basic)

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) for B.A. (Basic)

On completing B.A. (Basic) the student will be able to

Remembering PSO 1 : Know about Urdu essayist Novelist, Dramatist, Short story writer and new and old poets and their poetry

Understanding PSO 2: Gain knowledge about authors, Poets their lives and their contribution to Urdu literature.

Applying PSO 3 : Providing information about Urdu Grammar

Analyzing PSO 4 : Gain ability to effectively communicate in Urdu and able to translate from Urdu English language to Urdu language and Vice-versa

Creating PS0 5 : Create awareness about Urdu fictional and Non-fictional prose

B.A I semCourse Title : Guldasta-e-Adab (Prose, poetry and essay writing) Course Code : A050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about prose I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Get opportunity to learn famous Urdu poet poetry and Ghazal I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Familiar with modes of expression like essay writing III A

B.A II semCourse Title : Guldasta-e-Adab (Prose, poetry and Translation) Course Code : B050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about Short ,stories ,Sketches and essays I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Read and learn the classical poems of Urdu literature I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Attempt translation from English to Urdu IV A

B.A III semCourse Title : Adab Shamashi (Prose, poetry and Grammar) Course Code : C050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about essays Short ,stories and Humour & Satire. I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Read and learn poems of eminent poets I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Understand the Urdu grammar (Urdu Sarf) III A

B.A IV semCourse Title : Adab Shamashi (Prose, poetry and Grammar) Course Code : D050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Brief knowledge about Short stories , Drama and Humour & Satire. I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Read and learn ghazal of eminent poet & poetries and poems of classical poets I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Understand the Urdu grammar (Urdu Nahu) III A

B.A V semCourse Title : Novel & Poetry Course Code : E050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 To impart knowledge about urdu navel its origin, history, elements I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Know about famous Urdu Novel Taubatun-nusu by Nazeer Ahmed I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Learn about the famous poems of Faiz Ahmed Faiz and life contribution. I,II,VI R.U.C.

B.A VI semCourse Title : Prose & Poetry Course Code : F050

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Know about the Urdu essay of famous Urdu essyist I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Read and understand and enjoy Urdu classical Ghazals I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Know about the famous Urdu Poet Nazeer Akbar Aabadi and his poetry I,II,VI R.U.C.

Programme : B.A. (Optional) Urdu

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) for B.A. (Optional)

on completing B.A. (Optional) the student will be able to

Remembering PSO 1 : To identify student to the study of Urdu literature its concepts and principles

Understanding PSO 2: To impact knowledge about the different forms of Urdu literature

Applying PSO 3 : Acquired knowledge about school of through in Urdu prose and poetry

Analyzing PSO 4 : Providing information about the poetry (Ghazals) of  Meer Ghalib & Iqbal

Creating PS05 : Create awareness about Urdu fictional and Non-fictional prose

B.A I semCourse Title : Dastaan, Novel & Poetry (Masnavi) Course Code : A250

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Know about the Urdu Daastan and Daastannigar Contribution in Urdu literature I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Know about the Urdu Novel, Novelist contribution in Urdu literature I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Understand the Masnavi (one type of Urdu poetry) III, VI A, C

B.A II semCourse Title : Novel, Drama & Poetry (Masnavi) Course Code : B250

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Know about the Urdu Novel, Novelist contribution in Urdu literature I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Gain knowledge about the Urdu Drama, Dramatist contribution in Urdu literature I, II, VI R.U.C.
CO 3 Know famous Urdu Ghazal poet Ghalib and his poetry III, VI U,A

B.A III semCourse Title : Afsana, Sawneh & Marsiya Course Code : C250

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Know famous Urdu women short writers & their short stories II, VI U.C.
CO 2 Acquire knowledge of auto biography II,VI U.C.
CO 3 Understand the marsiya one form of Urdu poetry III, VI A,C

B.A IV semCourse Title : Khaka, Safarnama & Nam Course Code : D250

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Provide information about sketches and sketch writers I,II,VI R.U.C.
CO 2 Provide information about Travelogue (Safarnama) II,VI U.C.
CO 3 To know about Urdu Nazm poet Allama Iqb al and his poetry III, VI A,C

B.A V sem 5.1Course Title : History of Urdu literature linguistic and Hindustane lismiyat

Course Code : E290

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Understand the concept of Urdu literature & linguestic I,II,VI R.U.A.
CO 2 Understand the different aspects about Urdu language and growth of Urdu language I,II,III R.U.A
CO 3 To know about Urdu literature with its historical prospective. III, VI R.U.A

B.A V sem 5.2Course Title : History of Urdu literature literature and Deccani poetry

Course Code :E300

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 Get knowledge about the different forms of Urdu literature I,II,VI R.U.A.
CO 2 Fair knowledge about school of through in Urdu literature I,II,III U.A.C
CO 3 Fare knowledge of Humour and Satire and study of selected poems of sulaiman Khateeb II,III, VI U.A.A

B.A V sem 6.1

Course Title : Criticism, Humour & Satire Course Code : F290

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 To know about the origin and development of criticism I,II,VI R.U.C
CO 2 Understand and acquire skill of writing humour & satire III,IV VI A.A.C
CO 3 Learn about the major contribution of Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi III,IV,VI A.A.C

B.A V sem 6.2

Course Title : Autobiography & Selected poetry Course Code : F300

Sl. No. On completing the course the student will be able to PSO address Cognitive level
CO 1 To know about the origin of Autobiography II,III,VI U.A.C
CO 2 Develop the skill of autobiography II,III,VI U.A.C/td>
CO 3 Learn about the life & contribution of Meer (Classical Ghazal poet) and his Ghazals III,IV,VI A.A.C

Future Plans

  • Plan to conduct National Level Seminar in the upcoming days
  • To undertake research project for community purpose.
  • To make aware of the importance of Urdu language.
  • To undertake Programme for the personality development of the students.
  • To conduct Urdu Mushaira.


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Rank Holders

BA/BSc Course

Aarati Gopiram Pareek
BBA - 86.67% - 9th Rank

Moksha B N
BSc - 91.25% - 7th Rank

MSc Course

Shruti Jajee
7.68 Grade - 4th Rank