


Establishment of a women college by H.K.E. Society, to empower women of the area is a pioneer effort in 1965. To cater with the ever changing needs and problems of society, the academic courses have been re-organized many a time. The Department focuses on the basic aim of the society which is to bring modification in social behavior of human.

To create social awareness and social responsibility among students which help them to become the responsible citizens. Hence, the Department of Sociology endeavors to achieve excellence by facilitating quality education.
The main motto to enable the students to understand the society scientifically.The department of sociology introduce the students to a sociological way of thinking it provides an understanding of the discipline of sociology and sociological perspective it also provides foundation for other more detailed and specialized courses in sociology.Sociology provides an intellectual background for students considering careers in the professions or business.


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Photo Qualification & Experience BioData
1 Dr. Mahesh Ganwar Assistant professor M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D View Profile

Courses & Syllabus

The department of Sociology works as per the direction of Akkamahadevi Women University, Vijayapura.

The subject of Sociology goes along with one sets of subject viz. History, political Science, History, another with literature (Kannada, English, Urdu, and Hindi) and Education.

Strength of student’s semester wise:

Academic year B.A. II-Sem B.A. IV-Sem B.A. VI-Sem Total
2016-2017 40 57 66 163
2017-2018 48 37 52 137
2018-2019 69 42 35 146
2019-2020 48 66 41 155
2020-2021 28 45 61 134


NEP Syllabus

III and IV Sem 2018 onwards syllabus


Article Publication in Journal

“ Bharatiya Darshanikar vicharadalli mahileya sthana”- Different Philosophical Streams in Ancient Karnataka and Historical records 2021.


Attented and Presented Paper in Issues and challenges in higher education.

Two days National Level Seminar on “The challenges and remedies in higher educational institutions of rural area in Karnataka, Kalaburagi”  in October 2019.

Sl No. Name of Seminar/Conference/Symposium Name of Sponsoring Agency Place and Date
1 National Webinar on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Indian Economy Tumkur University, Tumkur 21st May 2020
2 National Webinar on Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education –Challenges & Responses BLDE’s Association New Arts & Commerce College, Tikota 18th Nov 2020
3 Webinar on Women Issues HKES’s, Smt. VeerammaGangasiri Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi 19th December, 2020
4 International Webinar on Preamble Constitutional Values & fundamental Principles of Indian Constitution. Smt. B S Arts, Commerce & Science for Women, Vijayapura 26th Nov 2020
5 International Webinar on Challenges & Concerns related to transgenders Govt. V. Y. T P G Autonomous College, Durg, Chattisgarh 20th December, 2020


Curricular and Scheme of Examination:

The curricular activities of the department runs according to the semester system introduced during the year 2007. The syllabus and scheme of evaluation too was revised. Today the examination consists of theory Examination, the weightage being 80 marks, and internal assessment test, being of 20 marks, for each semester. The internal Assessment consists of two tests, along with general behavior of the learner.

Co-Curricular Activities:

Along with curricular activities the other co-curricular activities of the department are, Seminars, group discussions, Pick and Speak, visits to schools, Educational tours and excursions.

Program & Course Outcome

Course Outcomes in Sociology:
By the time of graduation, sociology majors should be able to;

*Explain the sociological perspective, broadly defined; use sociological theory to explain social problems and issues; make theoretically-informed recommendations to address current social problems; and demonstrate the utility of the sociological perspective for their lives.

*Demonstrate the ability to interpret, locate, evaluate, generate, and use sociologically relevant data to test hypotheses and draw evidence –based conclusions.
*Integrate sociological theory, research and data in order to assess various explanations of social phenomena and to assess social policy.

Our degree programs are designed to produce graduates who can engage the world thoughtfully, critically, and creatively. Our hope is that the coursework we require will not only provide a solid base of anthropological or sociological knowledge and a set of skills to collect and evaluate information, but also that our assignments, readings and classroom discussions will foster a sense of engagement as citizens committed to making the world more human and livable.More specifically, each of our programs has articulated a set of learning outcomes for students. These outcomes are the basis for our on-going assessment of the effectiveness of our courses and our curricula.

*Will develop an ability to use social scientific research methods to address sociological questions.

Course outcomes;
B.A. I semester
Principles of sociology
Objectives of the paper;
A) It being an introductory paper, Intends to;
B) Make the students to acquaint with sociology as a social science
c) Understand the distinctive approach of sociology, from other social sciences
D) Understand the dynamics of sociology
B.A.IInd Semester
Study of Indian Society.
Objectives of the paper.
A) Introducing the students to Indian Society.
B) Making the students to know the origin, Changes and continuation of social institutions.
C) Educating the students about the problems of different classes.
D) Creating awareness about the status of women and their empowerment.
B.A. III Semester
Foundations of sociological thought; The Pioneers.
Objectives of the paper.
A) This being a philosophical paper, Intends to;
B) Make the students to acquaint with ancient social thought.
C) Understand the different approaches of western thinkers
D) Understand the relevance of sociological thought in the modern society.
B.A, IV Semester.
Study of Indian Social Thought.
Objectives of the paper .
A) Understand the different approaches of Indian thinkers
B) IT being philosophical paper, intends to;
C) Make the students to acquaint with ancient social thought
D) Understand the relevance of sociological thought in the modern society.
B.A.V Semester.
Rural Development in India.
Objectives of the paper
A) Alleviation of unemployment through creating basic social and economic
B) To improve the living standards by providing food, shelter, clothing, employment and
C) To Increase productivity in rural areas reduce poverty.
D) To involve people in planning and development through their participation in decision
making and through centralization of administration.
B.A.V Semester
Social research methods (Optional)
Objectives of the paper
A) To discover new facts or verify and test old facts.
B) To understand the human behavior and its interaction with the environment and the
social institutions.
C) To find out the causal connection between human activities and natural laws governing
D) To develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories, which would facilitate reliable
and valid study of human behavior and social life.
B.A. VI Semester
Contemporary social problems.
Objectives of the paper
A) Define social problem
B) Explain the objective and subjective components of the definition of a social problem.
C) Understand the social constructionist view of social problems
D) List the stages of the natural history of social problems.
B.A. VI Semester
Urban development in India (Optional)
Objectives of the paper
A) Development of urban areas as economically efficient, socially equitable and
environmentally sustainable cities.
B) Development of housing, particularly for the low income groups and other disadvantage
C) Improvement of slums
D) To development the urban society, like urban infrastructure, education institution etc.

Future Plans


Rank Holders

BA/BSc Course

Aarati Gopiram Pareek
BBA - 86.67% - 9th Rank

Moksha B N
BSc - 91.25% - 7th Rank

MSc Course

Shruti Jajee
7.68 Grade - 4th Rank