


Establishment :

The Department of Chemistry established in the year 1965 with 3 faculty members and 24 students. The department made its good beginning as it attracted good number of students. Since then, the department developed both qualitatively and quantitatively because of the dedicated services of the faculty and other staff members.


To prepare students for a diverse and changing world so that they play a role to  contribute to a chemically literate society.


  • To provide quality and value based education.
  • To provide chemistry expertise with environmental protection.
  • To develop scientific temper among the students for betterment of society.

Scope & Importance of the subject:

Chemistry is often called the “central science” because it connects other sciences, such as physics, material science, environmental science, nanotechnology, biology, pharmacy, medicine, bioimformatics and geology. There are five main branches of Chemistry namely: Physical, Organic, Inorganic, Analytical and Biochemistry.

Here are some of the best uses to study chemistry, Chemistry helps you to understand the world around you. Chemical reaction takes place in plants & animals, this results in the formation of substances in some plants & animals that can be used to treat illness. Chemistry is important to everyday life, because it provides medicine, the food we consume comes directly from chemical processes. A working knowledge of chemistryinforms medicine, energy production & the vast majority of industrial processes.

The Chemistry graduates have many options for their higher studies. Majority of these  graduates options for master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical & material chemistry.

List of Equipments:

Sl. No. Name Quantity
1. Colorimeter digital (Elico) 3
2. Colorimeter non digital 1
3. Conductometer digital (Elico) 2
4. Conductometer non digital 2
5. Combined electrode 2
6. Platinum electrode 1
7. pH meter digital (Elico) 3
8. pH meter non digital 1
9. Kohlranch’s conductivity bridge 1
10. Conductivity cell 3
11. Standard cell 1
12. Abbey’s Refractometer 2
13. Beckmann Thermometer 1
14. Stopwatches (digital) 20
15. Analytical Balance 12
16. Electronic Balance 4 (MRP-2)
17. Distillation apparatus 1
18. Hot plate 2(MRP-1)
19. Heating mantle (MRP-4)
20. Bunsen burner 56
21. Microwave (Onida) 1
22. Spectrophotometer (digital) 1
23. Vacuum pump 1
24. Electric stirrer 1
25. Photoelectric calorimeter 1
26. Magnetic stirrer 2
27. Electric water bath (6 holes) 2
28. Electric oven 1
29. Centrifuge machine 1
30. Melting point apparatus (electric) 1
31. Slide projector 1
32. Hot air drier (MRP-2)
33. UV Cabinet (MRP-1)
34. Magnetic stirrer with oil bath (MRP-2)
35. Magnetic stirrer with heating (MRP-1)
36. Burette 48
37. Burette stand 36
38. Air condenser 10
39. Silica crucible 12
40. Electric burner 6
41. Kipp’s Apparatus 2
42. Viscometer 24
43. Stalagmometer 24
44. Specific gravity bottle 12


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Photo Qualification  Profile Link
1 Dr. Parvathi Associate Professor M.Sc., M.Phil,Ph.D view profile
2 Dr. Parveen Rajesab Associate Professor M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D view profile

Courses & Syllabus

Programme Course         : B.Sc (PCM, CBZ, MCZ, BBC, CNDCZ)

                                                : B.Sc. Hons. (NEP)


S.No Class Link
1 B.Sc I Year Syllabus
2 B.Sc II Year Syllabus
3 B.Sc III Year Syllabus
4 B.Sc I Year Honors Syllabus
5 B.Sc II Year Honors Syllabus

Study Material


Research Project

Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding Agency Amount Sanctioned
  Dr. Parvathi Synthesis of nano particles HKE Society 15000

Research Publication:14

Sl. No Title of paper Name of the faculty Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number
1 Fluorescence studies on organic acids doped PANI-PVA films and quenching with picric Acid Dr. Parvati Patil IJARIIE 2017 2395-4396
2 Effect of solvent polarity on fluorescence spectra of camphor sulphonic acid doped polyaniline Dr. Parvati Patil Madridge Journal of analytical sciences and instrumentation 2017 2638-1532
3 Fluorescence quenching studies of BSA doped polyaniline Dr.Parvati Patil International journal of advance engineering and research development 2017 2348-6406
4 Biological Evaluation of Indole Appended Triazolothiadiazepine Conjugates as Potent Anticancer Agents Dr. Parveen Rajesab Current Bioactive Compounds 2018 1875-6646
5 Free radical scavenging and cyclic Dr. Parveen Rajesab Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 2019 2349-5162
6 Impacts of floods and chemical contamination effect on public health Dr. Parvathi Patil International Journal of creative Research thoughts 2020 2320-2882
7 Impact of Flood Effect on public health and environmental Dr. Parvathi Patil International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 2020 2320-2882
8 Neuroendocrine and pesticidal impact on the rate of oxygen consumption in freshwater crab Bartylephusa Guerini (H. M. EDWARDS) Dr. Parvathi Patil International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 2021 2320-2882
9 Cyclic voltametric and DNA cleavage studies of indolyl carbohydrazides Dr. Parveen Rajesab Intermnational Journal of creative research thoughts (IJCRT) 2022 2320-2882
10 Application of Nanomaterials in Environmental Science and medicine Dr. Parveen Rajesab Intermnational Journal of creative research thoughts (IJCRT) 2022 2320-2882
11 Design, Synthesis of Bisindolyloxadiazoles as Potent Antimicrobial Agents Dr. Parveen Rajesab Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 2022 2349-5162
12 Principles and Applications of Green Chemistry Dr. Parvathi Patil International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 2022 2320-2882
13 Multicomponent one – pot synthesis of novel indole analogues as potent antioxidant agents Dr. Parveen Rajesab Asian journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research 2022 2455-3891
14 Synthesis of novel isatin analogues as potent antimicrobial agents Dr. Parveen Rajesab The international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis 2022 0886-9367

Research Project

Sl. No Topic Year of Publication Link
 1 Synthesis Techniques for Preparation of Nano – materials 2019 Book
Workshop attended     :           07

  1. Parvathi Attended One day work shopon New Modalities of IQAC/ NAAC“organized by Integral Quality Assurance M  .S   I rani College  of   Arts   science  Commerce held on8 sept 2018 Kalaburagi.
  2. Parveen Attended One daywork shop on New M odalities of IQAC/ NAAC organized by Integral Quality Assurance M .S . I rani College  of   Arts   science  Commerce held on 8 sept 2018 Kalaburagi.
  3. Parvathi, Attended point making Workshop held on 11th July, 2020 North Storm Academy Presents.
  4. Parvathi, Attended National E- Workshop on  “Social work research:theory and practice”, Organised by Research, Resource & Development Centre (RRDC),Yashwantrao School of Social Work, Satara, Maharashtra on July 20,2020.
  5. Parvathi,Attended Online Workshop on “Rietveld Refinement” Method during September 22 to 24, 2020 organised by UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research Mumbai Centre in association with Indore Centre.
  6. Participated in one day workshop on “Implementation of NEP – 2020” in Karnataka organized by Karnataka Rajya MahavidyalayaShikshak Sangha held on 11th November 2021.
  7. Participated in one week e- Workshop on “Advances and Applications of Nanobiotechnology” organized by Department of Biotechnology & Department of Chemistry, Ramaiah Institute of Technology , Bangalore held from 4th to 9th October 2021.

Seminar attended : 12

    1. Parveen Rajesab Participated in one day national seminar on intellectual Property Rights organized by Sharanabasaveshwar College of Science, Kalaburagi on 25/08/2019.
    2. Parvathi Participated two day National seminar on ‘modern trends in chemicals and biological science” Basaveshwar college of arts and science on 24 th& 25th March 2017Basavakalyan.
    3. Parvathi Participated National seminar on Confemporary Sciences Organized by Walchandcentre for research in Nanotechnology and Bio nanotechnology held on 16th Feb 2018 solapur.
    4. Parvathi Participated Two day National level seminar on green chemistry  & its strategies for healthy environment   Laxmivenkatesh Desai college  held on 9th& 10th March 2018 Raichur
    5. Parvathi Participated Two days National conference on ‘Science  and  Technology academy Gulbarga university, held on 6th & 7th March 2018 .Kalaburagi.
    6. Parvathi Participated National seminar on Food Security in india challenges and opportunities organized by IQAC and Dept of Economics ,Smt,V,G Degree College and P,G centre for Women held on 3 and 4th April 2019Kalaburagi.
    7. Parvathi Participated One day seminar on Bio diversity,Landscope and Impact of climate change in Karnatakaorganized by Dept of Environmental science
    8. One dayNational seminar on ConfemporarySciences Organized by Walchandcentre for research in Nanotechnology and Bio nanotechnology held on 16 th Feb 2018 solapur.
    9. Two day National level seminar on green chemistry  & its strategies for healthy environment   Laxmivenkatesh Desai college  held on 9th & 10th March 2018Raichur.
    10. National Seminar on Food Security in india challenges and opportunities organized by IQAC and Dept of Economics ,Smt,V,G Degree College and P,G centre for Women held on 3 and 4th April 2019 Kalaburagi.
    11. OnedaySeminar on Bio diversity ,Landscope and Impact of climate change in Karnataka organized by Dept of Environmental science and Zoology Gulbarga University   held On 7th July 2019 Kalaburagi
    12. Parvathi, Attended One Day State Level Seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Spectroscopy’ organized by the Department of Chemistry, N.V Degree College, Kalaburagi on 15th March, 2021.

Conference attended :08

  1. Parveen RajesabInternational Conference on 10th Bangalore India Nano 2018 held on  5th to 7th Dec 2018 the Lalithashok Bangalore.
  2. Parvathi Participated in the Conference on “Frontiers in Chemistry (CFC – 2021)”, organized by Reva University Bangalore held between 21st to 23rd October 2021.
  3. Parvathi,Attended“International e-Conference on Chemicals & Materials for Emergent technologies (CheMET-2020)” held between 15-17 Nov 2020, jointly organized by Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, Qatar, Emergent Materials Journal and Chemistry Africa Journal, Springer.
  4. Parvathi,Attended“ International Multi-Disciplinary Academic Web Conference 2020” Organized by Surana College Bangalore eld on 29th& 30th May 2020.
  1. ShivarajMulagiParticipated in national e-Conference on “NAAC frame work of Accreditation and Assessment for higher educational institutions in India” organized by IQAC-Yashwantrao chavan School of social work, Satara, Maharashtra on 8th July  2020.
  2. ShivarajMulagiParticipated in national e-Conference on “outcome based education emerging trends” organized by IQAC-Yashwantrao chavan School of social work, Satara, Maharashtra on 16th   July  2020.
  3. Parvathi Participated in one day online National level Conference on “Advancements in Renewable Sources of Energy” on 25th October 2021.
  4. Parvathi Participated in one day national e – Conference on “ Strengthening of Academics using E – Resources” organized by Department of Library and Information Science and College Library, Azad Mahavidyalaya, Ausa on 16th Nov. 2021

Paper Presented In Conference

  1. Parveen Rajesab Attended and Presented a paper on “Biological screening of indole analogues” at Two days national seminar on “Recent Advances and developments in microbial Technology” organized by Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Government College (Autonomous), Kalaburagi on 15th and 16th September 2017.
  2. Parveen RajesabAttended and Presented a paper on “ Antimicrobial studies of indolyl pyrazolo quinolone analogues”at Two days national seminar on “Recent Advances in traditional uses of medicinal plant” organized by Department of Botany, Laxmi Venkatesh Desai College, Raichur on 30th and 31st March 2018.
  3. Parveen RajesabAttended and Presented a paper on “ One step synthesis of novel bisindolyloxadiazole analogues as potent antimicrobial and antioxidant agents ”at 4th international conference on chemical and environmental research (ICCER-2018) organized by P.G. and research  Department of Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed college (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli on 19th December 2018.
  4. Parveen RajesabAttended and Presented a paper on “Role Of N.S.S In Developing Students Quality At Graduate Level ”at NAAC sponsored two day national seminar on sensitization of changing perspectives in NAAC assessment and accrediatation process. organized by Smt. V. G. Degree College and P.G. Centre for Women, Kalaburagi on 13-14 September 2019.
  5. Parveen RajesabAttended and Presented a paper on “Role Of Green Chemistry In Controlling Environment”atDST-Science and Emerging Research Board (SERB) sponsored two day national seminar on Impact of green chemistry on biodiversity and environmental challenges (IGCBE-2019) organized by S.S. Margol College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Shahabad on 20-21 September 2019.
  6. Parveen RajesabAttended and presented 1st International e-conference on chemicals and materials for emergent technologies (CheMET-2020) held between 15-17th Nov 2020 organized by Centre for advanced Materials, Qatar University, Qatar.
  7. Parvathi, Attended and Presented “fluorescence quenching studies on Sulphonic acids” seminar for research scholars, (faculty of science and technology) on 09 and 10 Feb 2017. Gulbarga University Kalaburagi.
  8. Parvathi, Attended and Presented “Hibiscus Liliflorus leaf extract and antimicrobial properties “Department of studies and Research in Microbiology “Government College (Autonomous) on 15 and 16 Sept 2017Kalaburagi.
  9. Parvathi, Attended and Presented “Synthesis and fluorescence quenching studies on organic acid doped thin films. PosterpaperPresented at 103 rd Indian Science Congress Association 3rd to 7 thJan 2018 Mysore University Mysore.
  10. Parvathi, Attended and Presented “Medical values of Mulberry “Department of Botany “Laxmi Venkatesh Desai College” on 30 and 31 st March 2018Raichur
  11. Parvathi, Attended and Presented International Conference held in Czech Republic, University of Pardubice- New Trends in Research ofEnergetic Materials (NTREM); Poster paper presented “Fluorescence quenching studies of picric acid ,employing PTSA doped polyaniline” held on 18th -20th April 2018, at the University of Pardubice Czech Republic, EU
  12. Parvathi, Attended and Presented ICCER-2018 paper presented ‘FluorecenceQuenchig Studies of Different Nitroaromatics’Organized by PG and Research Dept of Chemistry Jamal Mohammed College (Autonomus) Tiruchirapalli held on 19 th Dec 2018
  13. Parvathi, Attended and Presented International Conference .poster presented in sharanabasavauniversity Fluorescence quenching studies of nitroaromatics, employing PTSA doped polyaniline” held on 30 , 31,Aug and sept 1  September 2019
  14. Parvathi, Attended and Presented National Seminar ; paper presented inEthics and moral standards in highereducationsmt. V.G  Women’s  degree college  held on  13  ,14 Sept 2019 Kalaburagi
  15. Parvathi, Attended and Presented National Seminar ; paper presented inOpportunties and challenges of Nanotechnology in Green chemistryorganized by Dept of chemistry  S SMargol College of Arts .Science and commerce held  on     20 th , 21 stsept 2019 Shahabad.
  16. Parvathi, Attended and Presented National Seminar ; paper presented in“ Fostering Quality Teaching in Higher Education”Dept of chemistry S SMargol College of Arts .Science and commerce held  on     4 th  and, 5 thoct 2019  Shahabad.
  17. Resource person and Delivered leactureFluorecence quenching studies onsulphonic acids 10 th   Bangaloreindianano2018  Pre  Event leacture series  Road show   exhibition  held   Gulbarga university held on 23 rd November 2018.
  18. Parvathi, Attended and Presented International Conference posterpresented ‘ Quality Assurance and Detection of Explosives’  12 th International High Energy 2019 materials Conference and Exhibits (HEMCE-2019) held at Indian Institute of Technology held on 16 to 18 th Dec 2019 Madras  Chennai.
  19. Parvathi, Attended and Presented International Conference .on physics and allied sciences (ICPAS-2020)Nanotechnology current uses and future applications in food and medicine held in B.V Bhoomreddy college of arts and sciencebidar held on Bidar 11th to 13th march 2020
  20. Parvathi, Attended and Presented 3rdInternational Conference web conference on climate change impacts on environment and biodiversity held in Bangalore university Department of environmental science Bangaloreon 5th to 10th June 2020.


  1. BOS/BOAE member List
Sl. No Name of the Faculty BOS/BOE Academic Year
1 Dr. Shivaraj Mulagi BOE member
BOE chairman
BOS member
From 2014 to 2017
From 2016 to 2017
From 2018 to 2021
2 Dr. Parvathi BOE member
BOS member
From 2014 to 2017
From 2018 to 2021

2. OC/RC, Short Term Course Attended

Sl. No Name of the Faculty RC, short term Period Place
01 Dr. Parveen Rajesab Refresher course in Chemistry from 05th September to 25th September 2018 UGC-ASC, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
02 Dr. Parveen Rajesab Refresher course in MOOCs/OER 10th October to 23rd October 2019 UGC-HRDC, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad.
03 Dr. Parvathi Refresher course in MOOCs/OER 10th October to 23rd October 2019 UGC-HRDC, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad.
04 Dr. Parveen Rajesab one week FDP on “Hands on Psychometric Behavioural Testing and Training” 25th to 31st Jan 2021 Silicon City College of Management and Commerce Affiliated to Bangalore University.
05 Dr. Parveen Rajesab Ten days Faculty Development Program on “Hands on Writing And Publishing Research Paper for Reputed Journals” 05th to 14th April 2021 Silicon City College of Management and Commerce Affiliated to Bangalore University.
06 Dr. Parveen Rajesab Faculty Development Program on “Creative Thinking (Online Live FDP)” 7th Jun to 11th Jun 2021 ICT Academy
07 Dr. Parveen Rajesab Six Day online Faculty Development program on “Intellectual Property Rights and Plagiarism” 29th June to 4th July 2021 B.V.V. Sangha’s Shri S. R. Kanthi Arts, Commerece and Science College, Mudhol.
08 Dr. Parveen Rajesab Two Weeks Interdisciplinary International Refresher Course on “Academic Bank of Credits” (ABC) Scheme in Higher Education, UGC Regulation 2021 (with reference to blended learning) 7th-20th July 2021 Teaching learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission of Teachers and Teaching and Indian Accounting Association, NCR Chapter. Delhi
09 Dr. Parveen Rajesab 1st online Refresher Course in ITGS (Information Technology in Global Society) 06th Sept 2021 to 19th Sept 2021 UGC-HRDC Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

3. NAAC/IQAC related work shop attended         :        02

  1. Dr. Parveen RajesabAttended NAAC Sponsored two days National Conference on “New Dimensions and applications of NAAC/IQAC” organized by M.S. Irani Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kalaburagi on 26th and 27th December 2018.
  2. Dr. Parvathi Attended One daywork shop on New M odalities of IQAC/ NAAC organized by M .S . Irani College of   Arts   science  Commerce held on 8 sept 2018 Kalaburagi.

Teacher exchange list

Sl. No Name of the Faculty Name of the Invited College Class/Topic Date of Class Conducted
1 Dr. Shivaraj Mulagi N.V. Degree College, Kalaburagi BSc Final Year – Topic: Amino acid 17th February 2020

Tours                                       :        02

  • Sc final year students along with staff Visited CFTIR Mysore for the academic year 2018-19
  • Visited University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC), Karanataka University, Dharwad and Paper industry Dandeli.

Academic recognitions

Academic awards/cash awards                          :           02

a) Patent :           01

Name of the Faculty Registration /Application No. Title of the patent Link
Dr. Parvathi 202041052199A Application of Marine based Minerals as Food Supplements Patent

b) Young Woman Scientist Award :           01

Name of the Faculty Name of the Organization Awarded Year of Award Link
Dr. Parveen R Universal Society for Research & Development in Association with Naari Shakti 8th March 2022 Award

c) Life Time Achievement Award

Name of the Faculty Name of the Organization Awarded Year of Award Link
Dr. Parvathi An International Conference on Green Technology, Business management and Social Sciences & Award Ceremony 16th July 2022 Award

Student list :

Academic Year Student List
2017 – 2018 Student list
2018 – 2019 Student list
2019 – 2020 Student list
2020 – 2021 Student list
2021 – 2022 Student list

List of University Rank

Sl. No. Register No. Name of the Students Marks Obtained Percentage Rank Year
01 15414093 Mahin Iffat Junaidi 3347/3840 87.16% VIII 2017-2018
02 17415284 Kavita 3438/3840 89.53% VIII 2019-2020
03 S1916097 Moksha B N 2993/3280 91.25% VII 2021-2022

List of Toppers

Sl. No. Register No. Name of the Students Marks Obtained Percentage Academic Year
01 15414093 Mahin Iffat Junaidi 774/1200 86% 2017-2018
02 16414157 Sameera Banu 1049/1200 87.4% 2018-2019
03 17415284 Kavita 1003/1200 83.5% 2019-2020
04 S1816201 Sarita 823/1000 82.3% 2020-2021
05 S1916097 Moksha B N 880/1000 88% 2021-2022

Program,Program Specific & Course Outcome


First Year B. Sc. Chemistry

  • To provide in-depth knowledge of Atomic structure-Wave mechanical model, shapes of orbitals, rules governing the electronic configuration, electronic configuration of elements up to atomic number 60.
  • To enrich knowledge through Periodic properties-Atomic and ionic radii, Ionisation energy, electron affinity, electronegativity.
  • Student should learn the S and P-Block elements-Comparative study of properties of alkali and alkaline earth metals,comparative study of Boron and Carbon Family and structure of iodic acid and iodine pentoxide, psuedohalogens and inetrhalogens.
  • To develop analytical abilities in -titration, preparation of standard solutions, determination of Normality, Molarity, Molality and ppm.
  • To provide basic and in-depth knowledge of Electrophile, nucleophile, types of organic reactions and its mechanisms. Preparation and reactions of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
  • To provide basic knowledge of arenes and aromaticity-Nomenclatyre of benzene and its derivatives, modern concept of structure of benzene, Huckel’s rule, Aromatic electrophilic substitution, activating and deactivating substituents.Rules of orientaing influence of substituents. Preparation and properties of aliphatic and aromatic compounds.
  • To provide basic and in-depth knowledge of critical phenomena, molecular velocities, classification, structure of nematic and cholestric phases.
  • To provide basic knowledge of Nernst distribution law, modifications of the law and application of law to solvent extraction process.

Second Year  B. Sc. Chemistry

  • To introduce concept of Chemical Bonding: Ionic bond- Definition, factors influencing formation of ionic bond. Born-Haber cycle, calculation of lattice energy of an ionic solid like NaCl. Hydrogen bonding. Covalent bond- definition, Valenc Bond Theory. Molecular orbital theory: An elementary idea of MOT, LCAO- Bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, rules relating to filling up of electrons in molecular orbitals. Molecular orbital structure and bond order of species like Helium, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Fluorine. Comparision of VBT and MOT.
  • To study Physical properties of solvents for functioning as an effective neutralization medium. Types of solvents and general characteristics. Reactions in non-aqueous solvents like liquid ammonia and liquid sulphur dioxide.
  • Student should understand Classification and nomenclature (IUPAC) of alcohols, General methods of synthesis and Reactions of alcohols Hydrogen bonding in alcohols- mechanism of esterification of ethyl alcohol by acetic acid. Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement and its mechanism. General methods of preparation and reactions of glycerol.
  • To study Classification, preparation and physical properties and acidic character of phenol. Comparative acidic strength of alcohols and phenols. Resonance stabilization of phenoxide ion. Reactions of phenols-electrophillic aromatic substitution, acylation and carboxylation. Mechanism of Fries rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Gattermann synthesis, Haulben-Hoesch reaction, LadererManasse reaction and Reimr-Tiemann reaction.
  • Student should understand the Nomenclature of ethers and methods of their formation, physical properties, Synthesis of epoxides, Acid and base catalysed ring opening of epoxides, orientation of epoxide ring opening, reactions of Grignard and organo-lithium reagents with epoxides.
  • To introduce concept of Chemical Kinetics:Second order reaction, derivation of second order rate equation when a=b, experimental methods of determination of order of reaction. Theory of reaction rates-qualitative treatment of collision theory of bimolecular reactions, theory of unimolecular reactions. An elementary account of transition state theory. Comparision of collision and transition state theory.
  • To study Thermodynamics-1First law of thermodynamics, enthalpy and its relation with internal energy molar heat capacities of gases (Cp and Cv) relation between them to be derived. Isothermal expansion of an ideal gas (to be derived) Joule-Thomson effect, Joule-Thomson coefficient, inversion temperature, numerical problems.
  • To learn about Colloidal State: electrical properties, stability of colloids, protective action, Hardy-Schulze law, Gold number. Liquids in liquids (emulsions): types of emulsion, preparation, emulsifiers. Liquids in solids (gels): Classification, preparation and properties, imbibition, general applications of colloids.

Third Year B. Sc. Chemistry

  • To study the basic concepts of organometallic chemistry, Bioinorganic chemistry, Inorganic polymers, coordination compounds, organic reagents in inorganic analysis.
  • To enrich knowledge through programmes heterocyclic compounds, organometallic compounds, organosulphur compounds, spectroscopy of organic compounds, carbohydrates, terpenoids, alkaloids, vitamins and hormones.
  • To understand the concepts of electrochemistry, catalysis, chemical equilibrium, photochemistry, physical properties and molecular structure and kinetics of complex reactions.
  • To enrich knowledge through programmes such as industrial visits, projects etc.
  • To familiarize with current and recent developments in Chemistry.
  • To train students in skills related to Chemistry for academic and industrial requirement.
  • To create foundation for research and development in Chemistry.
  • To develop analytical abilities for independent thinking.
  • To help students build-up a progressive and successful career in Chemistry.



By the end of the program the students will be able to:

(Refer to literature on outcome based education (OBE)  for details on Program Outcomes):

  • To create enthusiasm among students for Analytical chemistry and its application in various fields of life.
  • To provide students with broad and balanced knowledge and understanding of key

Concepts in Analytical chemistry.

  • To develop in students a range of practical skills so that they can understand and assess risks and work safely measures to be followed in the laboratory.
  • To develop in students the ability to apply standard methodology to the solutionof problems in chemistry.
  • To provide students with knowledge and skill towards employment or higher education in Analytical chemistry or multi – disciplinary areas involving Analytical chemistry.
  • To provide students with the ability to plan and carry out experiments independently and assess the significance of outcomes and to cater to the demands of chemical Industries of well – trained graduates.
  • To develop in students the ability to adapt and apply methodology to the solution of unfamiliar types of problems.
  • To instill critical awareness of advances at the forfront of chemical sciences, to prepare students effectively for professional employment or research degrees in chemical sciences and to develop an independent and responsible work ethics.


At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • The concepts of chemical analysis, accuracy, precision and stastical data treatment.
  • Prepare the solutions after calculating the required quantity of salts in preparing the reagents/solutions and dilution of stock solution.
  • The concept of volumetric and gravimetric analysis and deducing the conversion

Factor for determination.

  • Handling of toxic chemicals, concerntrated acids and organic solvents and practice safety procedures.
  • The concepts of Organic reactions and techniques of writing the movement of electron, bond breaking, bond forming.
  • The concept of aromaticity, resonance, hyper conjugation, etc.
  • Understand the preparation of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, their reactions, etc.
  • Understand the mechanism of nucleophilic, electrophilic reactions.


At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Gain the knowledge of chemistry through theory and practicals.
  • To explain nomenclatures, structure, hybridization, reaction and its mechanism, stereochemistry.
  • Use modern chemical tools, models, chemdraw, charts and equipments.
  • Know structure – activity relationships.
  • Understand the laboratory practices & safety.
  • Develop research oriented skills.
  • Make aware and handle the sophisticated instruments/equipments.
  • Identify chemical formulae and solve numerical problems. 

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) for B.Sc. Chemistry

Sr. No Programme Specific Outcomes
1 To impart knowledge on different branches of chemistry – Inorganic, organic, physical and analytical of the level expected from a Graduate (with Honours) in chemistry.
2 The students acquire theoretical and practical skills that underpin the various branches of chemistry.
3 Proper understanding and knowledge of the subject will be helpful to the students to join PG courses which in turn offer them job opportunities in the teaching profession and research pursuits.
4 Chemistry Honors students are able to recognize and apply the principles of atomic and molecular structure to predict chemical properties and chemical reactivity.
5 The theoretical knowledge of instruments that are commonly used in most chemistry fields will be helpful to the students for higher studies, research work, or in industrial jobs for proper handling and data interpretation.
6 Finally, chemistry considered as the ‘Mother’ science offers a wide range of career opportunities in such diverse areas as teaching, research, chemical and related pharmaceutical industries, consultancy, and entrepreneurship.

Course Outcomes (Cos) : B.Sc. ChemistrySemesteI                                                                                         

Course Title : Chemistry Paper – 1   Course code – CHT  1

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Impart knowledge of atomic structure and wave mechanics 4, 5, 6 U, An, C
CO 2 Demonstrate the ability to write electronic configuration, orbital diagram, and quantum numbers for electrons in the ground state. 1, 3, 4 R, U, Ap
CO 3 Understand the principles behind volumetry & distinguish between different types of titrations concepts. 3, 4, 6 U, An, E
CO 4 Understand the preparation of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, their reactions, etc., & the mechanism of nucleophilic, electrophilic reactions. 2, 3, 6 U, An, C
CO 5 The concepts of Organic reactions and techniques of writing the movement of electrons, bond breaking, bond forming. 2, 3, 4 R, U, An
CO 6 Understand the properties of the gaseous state and how it links to thermodynamic systems. 3, 4, 5 U, Ap, An
CO 7 Learn the liquid state and laws of crystallography. 1, 3, 4 U, An, E

Course Title : Chemistry Practical –1  Course code  CHP – 1

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Identify appropriate apparatus used in volumetric analysis. 1, 2, 3 R, U, An
CO 2 Determine the volume of a solution of accurately known concentration required to react quantitatively with the analyte. 1, 2, 3 R, U, An

Semester – II

Course Title : Chemistry Paper – 2

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Detailed discussion about the s-block and p-block elements. 1, 2, 3 R, U, An
CO 2 Evaluate the periodic properties of s and p block elements. 2, 3, 4 U, An, E
CO 3 Detailed study of the chemistry of hydrocarbons aliphatic and aromatic. Learn about free radical substitution, electrophilic addition, and electrophilic aromatic substitution. 1, 2, 4 R, U, Ap
CO 5 Impart the students the knowledge on phase rule, its applications one, two component system and understand the properties of liquids and liquid mixture and Distribution law and its application. 1, 3, 5 R, Ap, E

Course Title : Chemistry Practical – 2                                        

 Course code  CHP  2

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Learn the laboratory techniques such as calibration of thermometer, determination of melting point, and boiling point. 1, 2, 4 R, U, Ap
CO 2 Understand and analyze the organic compounds. 2, 3, 5 U, Ap, An

Semester – III

Course Title : Chemistry Paper – 3 Course code – CHT – 3

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Understand the alcohol, phenol synthesis, and concept of Non – aqueous Solvents. 3, 4, 5 U, An, E
CO 2 Know about valence bond theory, MOT, types of chemical bonding. 2, 3, 4 R, U, An
CO 3 Analyze the physical properties & chemical reactions of ethers & epoxides. 3, 4, 5 U, An, E
CO 4 Learn about the rate constant, order of reactions, discuss types of colloids and their properties and applications, concepts of the first law of thermodynamics. 1, 3, 4 R, U, An

Course Title : Chemistry Practical – 3CoursecodeCHP– 3

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Gather the knowledge of analysis of Inorganic mixtures. 1, 2, 4 R, U, An
CO 2 Learn and understand the analysis of acidic and basic radicals in a given mixture. 1, 2, 3 U, Ap, An

Semester – IV

 Course Title : Chemistry Paper – 4  Course code  CHT – 4

 Course Title : Chemistry Practical – 4                                                         

Course code  CHP  4

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Experimentally study the kinetics of the potassium iodide – potassium persulphate reaction. 1, 2, 5 R, U, An
CO 2 Determine the density and surface tension of given liquids. 2, 4, 5 U, Ap, An

Semester – VCourse Title : Chemistry Paper 5.1                                                         

Course code  CHT – 5

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Understand the basic principle and applications of Bio–inorganic chemistry and Inorganic polymers. 1, 3, 4 R, U, An
CO 2 Explain the nomenclature, classification, synthesis and applications of heterocyclic compounds and organometallic compounds. 2, 3, 4 U, Ap, An
CO 3 Understand the concept and principles of UV and IR spectroscopy and its applications. 3, 4, 5 Ap, An, E
CO 4 Learn the basic knowledge of electrochemistry and catalysis. 3, 4, 5 Ap, An, E

Course Title : Chemistry Paper 5.2                                                            Course code –CHT  5

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Impart understanding of the principles, nomenclature, and properties of coordination compounds & significance of organic reagents in inorganic qualitative and quantitative analysis. 1, 2, 3 R, U, Ap
CO 2 Learn about the classification, nomenclature, and structure determination & synthesis of some terpenoids and carbohydrates. 2, 3, 4 U, Ap, An
CO 3 Understand the knowledge of photochemistry, physical properties, and molecular structure. 3, 4, 5 Ap, An, E
CO 4 Educate the students on the chemistry of newer materials conducting polymer, superconductor, and nano materials. 3, 4, 5 Ap, An, E

Course Title : Chemistry Practical 5.3 based on paper 5.1 and 5.2  Course code  CHP – 5

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Provide the laboratory experience on selected experiments of organic estimation. 2, 3, 4 U, Ap, An
CO 2 Basic learning of laboratory procedure for the physical chemistry experiments like conductometric and potentiometric titrations. 3, 4, 5 Ap, An, E

Semester – VICourse Title : Chemistry Paper 6.1  Course code  CHP – 6

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Learn about the composition and synthesis of cement, glass & paint, pigment & varnishes. 2, 3, 4 U, Ap, An
CO 2 Understanding and learning about the classification, nomenclature, and synthesis of amine, amino acid & enzymes. 3, 4, 5 Ap, An, E
CO 3 Impart the knowledge of colligative property and emf. 1, 2, 4 R, U, An

Course Title : Chemistry Paper 6.2  Course code  CHT – 6

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Provide knowledge on the theory and applications of different analytical techniques used in chemistry. 1, 2, 5 R, U, E
CO 2 Understand the basic principles and fundamental chromatographic techniques of thin layer and column chromatography. 3, 4, 5 Ap, An, E
CO 3 Learn about the composition, classification of oils, fats and waxes, synthesis of some organic compounds, soaps, detergents, dyes and drugs. 2, 3, 4 U, Ap, An
CO 4 Impart understanding on advanced topics like food analysis and environmental chemistry. 2, 3, 4 U, Ap, An

Course Title : Chemistry Practical – 6.3 based on paper 6.1 & 6.2   Course code  CHP – 6

Sr. No On completing the course, the student will be able to PSOs addressed Cognitive levels
CO 1 Understanding the basic principles of gravimetry, chemistry involved in gravimetric analysis, terms applied in gravimetric analysis like co-precipitation, post-precipitation, digestion etc., and estimation of some iron, sulfate, barium, copper etc. 2, 4, 5 U, An, E
CO 2 Explain the conductance and its variation with dilution, molar and equivalent conductance. 2, 4, 5 U, An, E

Future Plans

  • Research guide ship from affiliated university
  • To conduct seminar/conferences at state and national level
  • To obtain more research projects from different funding agencies

Rank Holders

BA/BSc Course

Aarati Gopiram Pareek
BBA - 86.67% - 9th Rank

Moksha B N
BSc - 91.25% - 7th Rank

MSc Course

Shruti Jajee
7.68 Grade - 4th Rank