


History of the Department:

The Botany Department is established in the year of 1965 with Smt. V.G institution. Since then it is catering the needs of the students. Initially the department had three faculty members headed by Prof. Annamma T. and she served for the development of the department with selfless service.

Later Prof. Smt. V. Karodi led the department with Prof. Smt. Akbar Nissar and Prof. S.M Sangameshwar. Prof. Smt. V. Karodi promoted as Principal to M.S.I College Kalaburagi (Our sister institution) and with the superannuation of Prof. Smt. Akbar Nissar, Prof. S.M Sangameshwar led the department till 2007. After the elevation of Prof. S. M. Sangameshwar as Principal to Sri. Veerendra Patil Degree College Bangalore (Sister Institution) Dr. A.R. Manure, took the charge of department till June 2014. After his superannuation Dr. Pratibha G.S. took the responsibility till July 2019. She transferred to M.S.I College Kalaburagi. After her Dr. N.G.Patil took the charge until may 2022. Than Dr. Pratibha G.S. transferred on 22 nov.2022 from S.S.Maragol college Shahabad(Sister Institution) to Smt.V.G. College for women Kalaburagi and presently serving as head of the department.

At present the institution is affiliated to Akkamadevi Women’s University, Vijayapur, with semester system offering three optional subjects. The department has well equipped laboratories, the main laboratory accommodating 45-60 students and a small additional laboratory which accommodates 10-12 students, a preparation room, faculty chamber and museum. Regular practical classes are conducted in the main laboratory and special classes are engaged whenever it is free.

The department has two well-equipped laboratories one large and one mini laboratory.


The department is well furnished with one desk top computer, chemicals, glassware’s, specimen’s  permanent slides and other laboratory facilities are given below.

Sl.No Name of Equipment Number
1 Working- tables (Wooden) 9
2 Stools (Wooden) 25+
3 Compound microscope 44
4 Simple microscope 20
5 Binocular microscope 12
6 Stereo microscope 1
7 Trinoculas Research Microscope with digital camera. 1
8 Refrigerator 1
9 MIPS (Magnified Image Processor System) 1
10 Computer System with Printer 1
11 OHP With screen 1
12 LCD System 1
13 Slide Projector 1
14 Permanent slide cabin 1
15 Hot air oven 1
16 Hot plates 1
17 Microtome 1
18 Balance (Electron Single pan ) (MRP) 1
19 Balance (coarse) with weights 1
20 Anemometer (Ecological Instrument) 1
21 Wet & Dry Thermometer 1
22 Rain gauge 1
23 Bio-visual (Rexene) charts 96, paper charts 115 1
24 Permanent slides as per syllabus 1
25 Fossil slides 1
26 Fossil specimens 1
27 Models of DNA and RNA and Protein Synthesis 1
28 Air-cooler 1

Every student is given with an equal opportunity and attention during theory & practical to improve the quality and meet the demands of the students in different activities are adopted in the department as a need based one.

Botanical Garden:

The department of Botany is maintaining a Botanical Garden with a wide variety of plants belongs to the Angiosperms, Gymnosperms and Pteridophytes. It is maintaining more than 100 species. Partial requirement of the practical is met from the Botanical garden. We have five ponds for growing hydrophytes like Pistia, Azolla, Salvia, Eichornnia, Hydrilla, Lotus and Chara.

List of Plants at our Botanical Garden

Department Library:

The Botany department maintains its own departmental library consisting of more than 300 books. The books are collected and maintained from the specimen copies received from each staff and Publishers, this facility is utilized by all the students.  An average each student gets one book till the end of the week. If the student will not return there books at time we will ask them to pay a book to department.

 Department strength:

There is no much variation in the student strength. year after year student strength is increasing for basic sciences because basic sciences offer a broad flat form for higher studies and a wide range of job opportunities from class fourth to class one posts.

Sl.No Name of Equipment Number
B.Sc. I semester 2017-2018 72
B.Sc. III semester 74
B.Sc. V semester 57
B.Sc. I semester 2018-2019 71
B.Sc. III semester 72
B.Sc. V semester 74
B.Sc. I semester 2019-2020 59
B.Sc. III semester 71
B.Sc. V semester 74
B.Sc. I semester 2020-2021 58
B.Sc. III semester 59
B.Sc. V semester 71
B.Sc. I semester 2021-2022 49
B.Sc. III semester 52
B.Sc. V semester 58
B.Sc. I semester 2022-2023 35
B.Sc. III semester 46
B.Sc. V semester 52

Student list:  Category wise student list 2017-18 to 2022-23

Department Results 2017-22

Year Appeared Distinction I-Class II-Class Pass Fail Pass%
2017-18 95 38 46 10 01 00 100%
2018-19 132 71 44 12 05 00 100%
2019-20 126 95 26 04 00 01 99.20%
2020-21 130 67 40 16 01 06 95.38%
2021-22 116 73 27 12 03 01 99.13%


Sl.No Name Year Rank
1 Juhi Simaron 2016-17 I
2 Mahin Iffat Junaid 2017-18 VIII
3 Kavita S. 2020-21 VIII

Topper of The Botany Department :

2017-18: H Vidyashree  95.6%

2018-19: Sampada Joshi  96.3%

2019-20: Poornima Biradar  99.6%

2020-21: Mallika B 91.8%

2021-22: Rajeshwari 93.63%


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Photo Qualification BioData

Courses & Syllabus

Program: B.Sc

Course: Science

Subject Combination: CBZBBC

NEP Course: 

i) Botany – Biotechnology

ii) Botany – Chemistry

iii) Botany – Zoology


B.Sc. Botany Syllabus I to VI Sem

NEP syllabus: 

NEP Botany Syllabus I and II semester

NEP Botany syllabus III and IV semester


Research Project by Dr. N. G. Patil:

Title of the Project Name of the funding Agency Duration Budget Remarks
Crop cultivation and Seed Production Practices in Bulb Onion UGC 18 Months 68000/- Submitted

Research Projects by Dr. Pratibha S. G

Title of the Project Name of the funding Agency Duration Budget Remarks
Biotechnology and Tissue Culture UGC 21 Months 1,05,000/- Submitted

Research Publications by Dr. N. G. Patil: Title Year
1 Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Psidium guajava. 2017
2 Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Annona squamosa leaves. 2017
3 Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Mangifera indica leaves. 2017
4 Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Phyllanthus emblica leaves. 2017
5 Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Moringa oleifera leaves. 2017
6 Plastic degradation and antifungal activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized using Phyllanthus emblica leaves. 2017
7 Effect of Annona squamosa leaves extract on seedling and root length of Vigna radiata (L). 2018
Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop Etc. attended From 2017 to Till Today :by Dr. N. G. Patil


Name Sponsoring Agency Date Place
Five Day attended advance techniques in Biotechnology UGC 7th to 11th June 2017 Gulbarga University Gulbarga
Two Day National Seminar on “Recent Advances & Developments in Microbial Technology” Department of Studies in Microbiology 15/09/2017 & 16/09/2017 Government College (Autonomous), Kalaburgi.
Two Day National Conference on “Medicinal and Aromatic plants” Dept. of PG Studies and Research in Botany 12/06/2017 & 13/06/2017 Dept. of Biotechnology, Shridevi PG Center, Tumakuru.
Two Day National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Traditional uses of Medicinal Plants” Department of Botany 30-03-2018 & 31-03-2018 Dept. of Botany, Laxmi Venkatesh Desai College, Raichur.
One Day National Seminar on “Current issues and challenges in plant science” UGC-CAS-I (SAP-II) 30th May 2018 University College of Science, Osmania University Hyderabad
Two days National Conference on “Science and Technology for Inclusive Development” Karnataka Science and Technology Academy 6/03/2018 & 07/03/2018 Gulbarga University Gulbarga.
One day workshop on “New Modalities of IQAC/NAAC” IQAC 08-09-2018 M.S.Irani College of Arts, Science & Commerce Kalaburagi.
Two Day “Professional Development Training Program for Teachers” College IQAC 30-10-2018, 31-10-2018 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day National Seminar on “Food Security in India – Challenges and Opportunities” College IQAC 3-04-2019 to 4-04-2019 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day National Seminar on “Food Security in India – Challenges & Opportunities” College IQAC and Dept of Economics 03-04-2019 to 04-04-2019 Smt.V.G Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day Faculty training Programme on “Effective use of Management Information System” (MIS) College IQAC 5th and 6th July 2019 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day National Seminar on “Sensitization of Changing Perspectives in NAAC Assessment & Accreditation Process” NAAC Bengaluru & College IQAC 13-09-2019 to 14-09-2019 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two days National Seminar on “Impact Of Green Chemistry on Biodiversity and Environmental Challenges” DST- Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) 20/09/2019 & 21/09/2019 S.S.Margol College of Arts, Science & Commerce Shahabad, Kalaburagi.
One day National workshop on Foldscope Utilization to Explore Algal Diversity Department of Biotechnology 10-01-2019 Karnatak Arts, Science and Commerce College, Bidar.
Two Day National Seminar on “Kannada Tatvapada Sahitya Awalokana” Dept. of Kannada, GUG, VG Degree College, CUK, Kalaburagi 17-01-2020 to 18-01-2020 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi

Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop Etc. attended From 2017 to Till Today :by Shri Sharanbasav Biradar

1 “National Conference On Advances In Biodiversity, Science, Engineering And The Environment” held at MSI degree college Gulbarga Karnataka.
2 Two Days National Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic plants held at Department of Biotechnology, Shreedevi PG centre, Shreedevi Charitable Trust, Tumkur. Held during 12th and 13th July 2017.
3 Two days national seminar on “ Modern Trends in Chemical and Biological Science. Held In Ssk Basaveshwar College Of Arts And Science Basavakalyan.
4 National conference on “ Biodiveristy Threats, Conservation Status and sustainable Utilization for Human Welfare” Held in Karnataka arts and science college Bidar
5 Two days science academies Lecture workshop on “Recent Advances in Life Sciences” held in Gulbarga university.
6 National Seminar on “ Environmental Crisis” held in A.V. Patil Degree College Of Arts And Science College Aland.
7 Two days national seminar on “ Climatic Change and Its Effect’s” Held in B.V. Bhoomareddy Arts and science college Bidar
8 National seminar on Sustainable Chemistry in Tackling Global warming. Held in Shri Phrabhu arts and science commerce college shorapur.
9 National conference on The Role of chemistry in Nano world. Held in A.V. Patil degree college Aland.
10 One Day Seminar on Higher education at cross roads. Held in Indian Institutute of Public admistration, kalaburgi.
11 One day national seminar on “ Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials”. Held in Sri Channa Basaveshwar arts and science college Bidar.
12 National seminar on “ Water Pollution and Solid waste management or Natural resource conservation.
13 Two days National seminar on “ Recent Trends in Biodiversity of India’’. Held in MSI degree college Gulbarga
14 Ondu Dinada Vigynana Mukta upanyasa maale Karyakarama by Nrupatunga Prtama Darje college Sedam Gulbarga
15 10TH Annual Conference of Karnataka Science and Technology Academy 2018 jointly organized by KSTA and REVA University held during 18-19 January 2018
16 One day national conference on “ Advances in Biotecnnlogy” organized by the dept. of Biotechnology, Tumkur University, Tumkur held on 29th January 2018
17 One day national conference on “Applications of Microbiology in Human welfare” organized by the Dept. of Microbiology, Tumkur Univeristy, Tumkur held on 30th January 2018
18 One day National conference on “Emerging trends and Approaches in zoological Sciences” organized by the Dept. of Zoology, Tumkur university, Tumkur held on 31st January 2018.
19 Two days national seminar on “Science and Technology for Inclusive Development” Organised by Karnataka science and Technology academy and association with Department of Biotechnology of Gulbarga university, Kalaburgi, held on 6th & 7th March 2018.
20 One day national seminar on: “Current issues and challenges in plant science-2018.

Organized by the Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana.

Held on 30th May -2018.

21 Two days works shop on Professional Development Training Program for Teachers Oct-30-31st , Organized by the IQAC Smt. V,G, Women’s Degree college Kalaburagi.

Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop Etc. attended From 2017 to Till Today :by Miss. Suma Basutkar

Name of the Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop/Webinar Etc Name of the sponsoring agency Date and Place
Three Day workshop on “World Water Day” Government of Karnataka 21-23 March 2018 GET’s First Grase College of Science & Commerce, Kalburgi
One Day seminar on “Biodiversity of Lower and Higher Plants “ UGC-SAP-DSA-I Programme 23rd March 2019

Karnataka university Dharwad

One Day workshop on personality development UGC V.G. Womens degree college, Kalaburgi
Five Days workshop National Level Virtual

Faculty Development Program on Revised NAAC Accreditation Guideline 2020



01/06/2021 to 05/06/2021


Five Days National level online faculty development programme on “Writing and Publishing Quality Research Paper and proposal” by IQAC initiative department of commerce Shri.Annadaneshwar

Arts,Science, Commerce college & P.G Centre Naregal.

Gadag district Karanataka.


To 15/06/2021


One Day National level webinar on Soil Health Management Through Organic Farming Practices A.V College of Arts, Science, Commerce Collaborating with O.Y.S.T.E.R.NGO KVK Organizations 14/06/2021

Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop Etc. attended From 2016 to Till Today :by Miss. Archana Bhusanage

Name of the Seminar’s


/Webinar etc.

Name of the sponsoring agency Date and Place
Three Day workshop on personality development UGC V.G.Women’s degree college, Kalaburgi (2017-18)
One day seminar on NEP education policy 2020-21 Gulbarga university and Global education trust kalaburagi GET’s First Grade degree College of Science & Commerce, Kalaburagi (2020-21)
Two Day Professional Development Programme on “ERP SOFTWARE-EduWize” INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL(IQAC)

Smt. V.G College for Women, Kalaburagi

27-12-2021 to 28-12-2021

Smt.V.G.College for Women, Kalaburagi

Two Day Professional Development Programme on “INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY” Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi

12-04-2022 to 13-04-2022

Smt. V.G College for Women, Kalaburagi


BOS/BOAE Members by Dr. N. G. Patil

  1. Worked as Chairman & members of BOS (Board of Studies) And BOE (Board of Examinations) at Karnataka State Women University Vijayapur (2009-2012 and 2016-2019)
  2. As special invitee for framing semester syllabus in Botany for UG level to Dept. Of Botany, Karnataka state women’s University, Vijayapur.
  3. Worked as BOE and BOS in Botany KSWU Bijapur 2022

BOS/BOAE Members by Dr. Pratibha G. S

  1. Working as BOE and BOS in Botany KSWU Bijapur

NAAC/IQAC Related workshops attended by Dr. N.G. Patil

Name of the Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop/Webinar Etc Sponsoring Agency Date Place
One Day Workshop on “New Modalities of IQAC/NAAC” IQAC 08-09-2018 M.S.Irani College of Arts, Science & Commerce Kalaburagi
Two Day “Professional Development Training Program for Teachers” College IQAC 30-10-2018, 31-10-2018 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day National Seminar on “Food Security in India – Challenges and Opportunities” College IQAC 3-04-2019 to 4-04-2019 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day National Seminar on “Food Security in India – Challenges & Opportunities” College IQAC and Dept of Economics 03-04-2019 to 04-04-2019 Smt.V.G Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day Faculty Training Programme on “Effective use of Management Information System” (MIS) College IQAC 5th and 6th July 2019 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day National Seminar on “Sensitization of Changing Perspectives in NAAC Assessment & Accreditation Process” NAAC Bengaluru & College IQAC 13-09-2019 to 14-09-2019 Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi

Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop Etc. attended From 2016 to Till Today :by Dr. Pratibha G.S

Sr No. Name of the Seminar’s /Conference/Symposia/Workshop/Webinar Etc Name of the sponsoring agency Date & Place
1. Five days National Seminar on Hands on Training on advanced Techniques in Biotechnology Dept of Biotechnology Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi 7-11th 2017 Dept of Biotechnology Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi
2. 14th Inter College Youth Festival AMWU Vijayapur AMWU Vijayapur and Vidhyabharathi Arts and Commerce Degree College KARATAGI, Koppal District 10th to 12th October 2017
3. Two days Seminar on recent advance and developments in Microbial Technology Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology Government College (Autonomous) KALABURGI 15th and 16th September 2017 Research in Microbiology Government College (Autonomous) KALABURGI
4. Certificate of Appreciable Central Board of Direct Taxes Govt of India Ministry of Finance Govt of India Central Board of Direct Taxes For the assessment Year 2016 and 2017
5. One Day Workshop on New Modalities on IQAC/NAAC H.K.E. Society’s MSI Degree College Arts, Science and Commerce Kalaburagi 8th September2018 One Day Workshop on New Modelites on IQAC/NAAC
6. NAAC Sponsored Two Days National Level Conference on QUAESHE -2019 B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of Arts, Science, and Commerce at Bidar 22 to 23 February 2019 NAAC Sponsored Two Days National Level Conference on QUAESHE
7. NAAC Sponsored Two Days National Seminar on Sensitization of changing perspective in NAAC Assessment and Accreditation process H.K.E. Society‘s Smt V.G. Degree College for women Kalaburagi 13 to 14 September 2019 H.K.E. Society ‘s Smt V.G. Degree College for women Kalaburagi
8. One day International Webinar on “Literary Research: Text and Contexts” B.V.V. Sangha’s S.S.R. Kanthi Degree College, Mudhol 04.08.2020
9. One Day International Webinar on “Women and Mental Health” KSAW University, Vijayapura 03.09.2020
10. One day International Webinar on “Higher Education: Educational Technology crises and response” G.I. Bagewadi Degree College, Nipani 29.08.2020
11. One day International Webinar on “National Education Policy 2020” GFGC, Yelhanka Bengaluru 10.09.2020
12. One Day International Webinar on “E-Commerce and its impact on global business” S. Nijalingappa College, Bengaluru 26.09.2020
13. One day National webinar on “Women nutrition & diet Akkamahadevi Womens College, Bagalkot 04.09.2020
14. One day National Level webinar on “Employee Engagement and Well Being During Covid Pandemic” Govt. First Grade College Rajajinagar, Bangalore 23rd Sept.2020
15. Three days National level faculty development program webinar on “New National Education Policy 2020” L.V.D College, Raichur 24 -26th Sept.2020
16. One day workshop on “National Education Policy 2020” Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi in collaboration with M.S.I. Degree College, Kalaburagi 8-10-2021
17. One day Workshop on implementation of NEP 2020 in Karnataka Gulbarga University in collaboration with Sharanabasava University, Kalaburagi 11-11-2021
18. Two day Professional Development programme on “ERP Software—Eduwize” Smt. Veeramma Gangasiri degree college for women Kalaburagi 27 and 28 December 2022
19. Two day Professional Development programme on “INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION(ICT) Smt. Veeramma Gangasiri degree college for women Kalaburagi 12 & 13 MAY2022

NAAC/IQAC Related workshops attended by Shri. Sharanabasav Biradar

1 Two days works shop on Professional Development Training Program for Teachers Oct-30-31st , Organized by the IQAC Smt. V,G, Women’s Degree college Kalaburagi.

Departmental Activities:


Department is conducting 2-3 meetings by HOD every year is a regular system prevailing in the department, the same is continued during the semester also.

For every semester faculty meeting is conducted after the re-opening of the college, to discuss the academic matters, syllabus, previous student’s feedback and their performance in tests, internals (Theory and Practical). Departmental problems, developmental aspects and other matters are also discussed, which makes the faculty to involve in every activity of the department.

We also discuss the departmental budget to be allotted by the college authority, department requirements books, chemicals, glass wares, etc for each academic year and beginning of semester. The details of the meetings, discussions, and other things are written and maintained in a separate register.

Performance Evaluation:

In order to get the feedback about our performance both at the theory and practical we are in the habit of taking appraisals from the students just to know and incorporate any improvement that is suggested by the students.  This is done at every class at least twice in year. The students are strictly informed to be fare and forthright in their expressions of performances of the Staff.


c) Staff:

Faculty performance appraisal is one of the best practices by getting the feedback from students (Learners). This practice has been following since longtime. Now it has become an improving activity among the faculty.

Students’ feedback about faculty is an easier task to know about one self with their performance in the class room and outside. The suggestions, opinions and their demand would be discussed in the department meetings with faculty to incorporate their suggestions.

Students are strictly informed to be fair during their expressions about department staff performance. This work of getting performance feedback by students generally is entrusted to the class representative for any leader among them.  Before distributing the feedback papers to students, they are informed not to write their names, so as anonymity is maintained.

The suggestions, opinions and demands of the students expressed in feedback are discussed in the department meetings with faculty  and try to bring in practice.

Those will be solved at department level, or if, more demands of which includes financial matters, infrastructure, equipment’s etc. will be brought to the notice of Principal for further course of action.

Continuous Evaluation:

Class Tests: 

After completion of every three/four chapters a test is conducted for every class so far this year we have conducted not less than 3 tests for each class. The performance of the student is satisfactory. The attendance to the test is almost 90%. The absentees are warned and given the same questions for home assignments.


Special care for slow learners:

The faculty takes very much special care for slow learners with by counseling them individually and tackling their personal problems as well as subject understandings. Such problems are dealt with affection. This removes the barrier or obstacles for their weak performance and complexity among themselves.

The faculty discuss with in small in groups by mixing them with normal & fast learners for to discuss among themselves. Later the students are monitored often for better performance and involvement in study activities.


The department conducts seminars regularly. The students have evinced greater interest in preparing the seminar. They have realized its importance in future platform performance. 

Teacher’s Exchange Programme

Sl.No Name of The Invitee Date College / University
1. Prof. Madhava Naidu 31-08-2019 SFS Department, CFTRI Mysore
2. Dr. Nirmala 9-01-2020 Hingulambika Ayurvedic College, Kalaburagi
3. Prof. Sangram Yengle 16-08-2019 Akkamahadevi Degree College, Bidar
4. Prof. R S Modi 10-01-2022 Govt. First Grade Degree, Kalburagi

Seminars by students:

The following students have given seminars and the details are as follows:

B.Sc.VI Sem. 2018-19:

Name of the student Topic
Sampada Joshi r-DNA Technology
Supriya Mathpati Types of chromosomes
Apoorva Biostatistics
Kiran R Salimath Plant breeding
P. Soundarya Pond Ecosystem
Sarvada Cell organelles
Vaishali Mitochondria and Golgi complex
Sneha Enzymes
Suhasini Light reaction in photosynthesis
Sunanda Water Sources

B.Sc.V Sem. 2019-20:

Name of the student Topic
Ambika M. T. Ecological pyramids
Bhagyashree B. Dicot stem anatomy
Bhuvaneshwari Food chain
Divyashree Complex permanent tissue
Danashree Ecotypes
Harshita Grassland ecosystem
Deepti Red data Book
Geeta Hydrosere
Gazala Secondary growth in dicot stem
Gency Renewable energy resources
Esther R. J. Forest Management
Krutika Development of male gametophyte
Madhushree Soil pollution
M. Sandya Global warming
Megha Noise pollution
Mahadevi Monocot stem anatomy
Mariyam Types of Ovules
Megha P. D. V. S. of Monocot leaf
Pankaja V.S. Dicot leaf

B.Sc. VI Sem. 2020-21

Name of the student Topic
Vedashree V. T Factors affecting Photosynthesis
Tejashwini Structure and function of mitochondria
Unnati Kulkarni Numerical Variations
Sushma S.K Somatic Hybridization
Rajeshwari B. H Inflorescence
Shivani Malvaceae family
Shrujana Kulkarni Brassicaceae Family
Mahananda . S. Korwar Adventitious root modifications
Seem D Root and modifications of tap root system
Spoorti Belli Solanaceae Family
Monica Nursery Management
Bhavani Madankar Vascular Tissue System
Nida Fatima Nucleus
Hazy Modi Shoot Apical Meristem
Shrujana Dihybrid cross and incomplete dominance

Seminar Presented by the students.
B.Sc. I Sem. 2021-2022:

Name of the student Topic
Anusuya H Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Ambika Kallur Louis Pasteur
Ayesha M Classification of Fungi
Sushma Bandappa Bacteriophage
M. Nandini Reddy Introduction to Fungi
Aishwarya M Bacterial importance in daily life
Jahnavi Contributions of Robert Koch
Shahana Contributions of Joseph Lister

B.Sc. IISem. 2021-2022:

Name of the student Topic
Vidyashree Classification of Algae
Vaishnavi Thallus organisation in algae
Tejaswini Detailed study on Nostoc

B.Sc. IV Sem. 2021-2022:

Name of the student Topic
Adeeba Noushin Components of Ecosystem
Afina Afseen Types of Ecosystem
Ahlam Iram Trophical Organization
Aneesa Begum Air Pollution
Anusha Joshi Soil Pollution
Amera Mahin Noise Pollution
Ankita Water Pollution
Ayesha Fatima Ecological Pyramids
Jashmita Walia Plant Genetic Resource Management

B.Sc. V Sem. 2021-2022:

Name of the student Topic
Afina Afseen Semi-conservative Method
Ahlam Iram Types of Mutation
Jashmita Walia Genetic Code
Preeti Thakur Biostatistics
Afina Afseen Mutation Theory of Evolution
Samreen Suhana Lamarckism Theory of Evolution

B.Sc. VI Sem. 2021-2022:

Name of the student Topic
Tanuja A Study of Endosperm
Tejaswini Male Gametophyte in Plants
Syeda Sara Soudagar Development of Anther
Spoorti Absorption of Water
Soundarya M B Megasporogenesis
Srushti Pollination
Sonali Microsporogenesis
Projects and Field works : Botany Projects from 2017 – 2021
Tour Reports from 2017-18 to 2020-21
Botanical Study Tour Report 2017-2018
One day training on Plant Propagation and Grafting 2018-2019
Botanical Study Tour Report 2018-19
Botanical Study Tour Report 2019-20
One day study trip to Chincholi,Chandrampalli, and Gottam gotta 2020-21
One day trip report to Bidar and surrounding areas 2021-2022
List of students gone for higher education from 2016-17 to 2021-2022
Academics Recognitions

  1. The topper of department will be felicitated.
  2. Departmental activates like Seminar and quiz the best one will be appreciated with a small gift
  3. Students on their birthday they will plant a tree

On 12 April 2019 Achievers Association for Economic Research and Development has awarded ‘Bharata Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Gold Star Excellence Award-2019 with medal and certificate of Excellence’ for Outstanding Achievement in field of INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT to Dr.Pratibha G.S.

Future Plans

  • Increasing the number of varieties of plants in the department garden.
  • Teacher exchange programmes, workshops and seminars will be organised.
  • Infrastructure in terms of instruments will be strengthened.
  • More number of educational  trips will be conducted to explore the plant diversity in nature.
  • Motivation and support will be given for students with their practical oriented ideas.
  • Students are being focused on seminar, mini researches and other co curricular activities.

Rank Holders

BA/BSc Course

Aarati Gopiram Pareek
BBA - 86.67% - 9th Rank

Moksha B N
BSc - 91.25% - 7th Rank

MSc Course

Shruti Jajee
7.68 Grade - 4th Rank