7.2 Best Practices



Apart from teaching and learning, we encourage, educate and mould the students so as to bring out the hidden talents and skills in them and empower them to face the society and lead a respectful life.


1. To tap innate qualities of the students.
2. To explore the creative skills
3. To learn effective communication skills.
4. Managing finance and learning the value of money
5. Developing confidence and building of self-esteem, self-employment and self-reliance


The Hyderabad Karnataka region is known as the Kalyana Kalaburagi, of which our city is a part. It is considered to be a backward region. Many students of this region are economically and socially weaker.

In the present scenario, there is no field untouched by women, but still empowerment of women is far away from reality. Since from 5 decades the college is fulfilling the dreams and vision of our institution. In view of these facts the college has designed and implemented a Best Practice “EARN WHILE YOU LEARN “.


A committee of faculty members is formed to motivate, guide and monitor the students. Students are free to approach the committee to register the names beforehand. The names of the students who are going to keep the stalls should enter their details along with menu and price in the register Interested students are allowed to display their products for sale like eatables, embroidery work, decorative articles, craft items, articles prepared from waste materials, mehandi application, handmade fancy bangles, earrings etc.

The eatables which are to be sold are prepared by the students under the supervision of the committee members under hygienic conditions. The students put up the stalls during 11.00am to 4.00.pm every Thursday. Prices of the items are decided by the committee members and the students who are putting up the stall. The students have to pay 5.00 of the profitable amount to the college. Under this scheme student are trained by students of Ideal Fine Arts Kalaburagi to make eco-friendly Lord Ganesh Idol. The Idols are prepared by the students and sold under this scheme.


Students gained the knowledge of Communication skills, time management, self-earning, and finance management. They experienced joy and at the same time they learned to face the difficulties of livelihood.


Students found little difficulty in utilizing their leisure time to manage the stalls along with the classes.


Environment Consciousness

Environmental awareness is critical because it can help to minimise pollution and global warming. It can also lead to a more sustainable world by promoting renewable resources such as solar, wind, and water.


Conserving our resources is Crucial. Making the students and public aware of how to reduce environmental harm is of utmost importance to save the planet and then to make them aware of different ways to conserve the environment. To create environment Consciousness among students, who in turn spread this knowledge to the community is considered to be very important. Students are the ambassadors who are made to change on the personal level and eventually communities as a whole.


Though people are being made environmentally conscious over the last 20years, there is still a large population who are not aware of the importance of taking care of the WORLD. Most people do not know the words “Going green and Eco friendly environment”. Some people have interest in going green but not necessarily know what to do to make a difference. One should conserve energy as we are facing energy crises also to prevent air, water and noise pollution. They prove to be boon for the environment also present human health from deterioration.


The students and people of nearby locality were made aware of simple ways to protect the earth and environment.

i) They were taught 3 R’s (i.e. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle).

ii) The students volunteered for clean-ups in the surrounding community, under the banner smile group’ and Swachhata Abhiyan.

iii) The students were motivated by arranging lectures on importance of our natural resources and how to protect them.

iv) The institution has taken up Rain water harvesting.

v) The waste water collected during purifying the water by RO process is used for watering the plants of the College and cleaning purpose.

vi) To minimize energy consumption long lasting CFL, tube lights, LED bulbs are used in the corridors. Solar panel is used to light the bulbs in few areas of the institution in the night. Energy saving attitude is developed among students by advising them to switch off the electrical appliances when not in use. This is monitored by class representatives and college discipline committee.

vii) Students prepared paper packets and distributed to some of the vendors in nearby area and advised them not to give plastic bags to the customers, explaining the hazardous effects of usage of plastics. Students even created awareness about the swatchata abhiyan to the shopkeepers.

viii) Students are encouraged to plant trees which provide food, oxygen there by cleaning the air which help to combat climate change. The teachers are gifted with saplings on Teacher’s Day. The students celebrate their birthday by donating a sapling to the college with their name tagged to it and protect it till they depart from the college.

ix) Students and Staff do not bring vehicles to the college once in a week, students but they make use of bicycles and are advised for cycling instead of driving. To avoid pollution save petrol most of our students use public transport.

x) Seminars are arranged by the students related to environment consciousness such as Global Warming, depletion of Ozone layer, Quiz etc.

xi) During Ganesh festival, Eco friendly Ganesh idols are prepared by our students under the guidance of fine arts college students and are sold.

xii) E-waste is disposed through scrap vendors. xiii) Different types of waste, like wet, dry and glass is separated in to and put into respective dustbins kept in the campus. An arrangement is made to collect this waste by corporation people.


The students and Staff are found to use recyclable or reusable bags. The fans and lights were seen to be switched off when not in use. Students were very conscious about maintaining the campus clean.


i. Some students hesitate and even some of the parents do not permit their children to come out of college campus visit public places to create awareness about environment consciousness.

ii. Lot of expenditure has to be met to fix large solar panels to make use of solar energy to light all the class rooms.


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Earn While You Learn Student Forum for Social Awareness and Action View


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Environmental Consciousness View


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Environmental Consciousness View


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Environmental Consciousness View